This is the happiest little 7up sign in the world...I'm pretty sure. It's in Needles, CA, just a few hours outside LA. I wanted to take it home with me.
Our first big stop was the Grand Canyon. No matter how many pixels your camera has you will never ever get the true feeling of this place from a photo. I don't care if you are the best photographer working for National Geographic. If you've never been...GO HERE!!!!!
Throughout the day it looks different, based on the lighting and the shadows cast down from the clouds...
This little guy let me walk right up to him!
Tweedledee and...?
The only complaint I have (really for the entire trip) is that we had a difficult time finding yummy food here. If you know different, please do tell!
CaCa is always funny. Always.
Partner in crime, Julie..
Back on the road...
Not the one I'm used to seeing..
Second destination was Jerome, AZ. It used to be a booming mining town filled with debauchery where prostitution was a big money maker and later was deserted. Now it's a quirky little artist community with views overlooking Sedona and the Red Rocks. Jerome is supposedly incredibly haunted, and thus marketed accordingly. I gotta give props where props is due...I had the best burger ever at "Haunted Hamburger." If you ever make it to these parts you must have one!
The building on the left is where we stayed, The Hotel Connor. I never got scared but must admit some kinda weird stuff happened. Our windows were rattling really hard even though there was no wind as we were trying to fall asleep, and the pully for the blinds was spinning around really fast even though there wasn't any air blowing from anywhere inside the room. I layed in bed and watched it curiously for awhile before I fell asleep. Who knows...maybe..?
There were definitely some characters in this town. This one obliged me with a photo op...
Back on the road again. The US has some really good spots tucked away off the beaten path..
Last stop for us was Sedona. One of the most mystical magical places on earth!
A sunset hike at the strongest vortex...
Horseback riding through Dead Horse Ranch State Park...
The whole trip has a dreamy quality about it. I forget sometimes how important it is to get out of Los Angeles to simply step away from the madness for atleast a few days.
Next up? The planning has already begun to drive through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia in January. I'm so excited!! If you know of any places I absolutely must see in these states or local cuisine I must try, please email me..!