"Messages in bottles, smoke signals, letters written in the sand; the modern equivalents are the funny, sad, beautiful, hopeful, hopeless, poetic posts on Missed Connections websites. Every day hundreds of strangers reach out to other strangers on the strength of a glance, a smile or a blue hat. Their messages have the lifespan of a butterfly. I'm trying to pin a few of them down."

Saturday, July 18, 2009
- m4w - 20 (m train)
"you had on a blue dress an brown boots on i was a purple shirt we were waiting at myrtle an wyckoff ave at like 2 or 3 am for the m you were just amazing looking an i wanted to talk to you but i was having a bad day an looked offal so i didnt even try then you got off at central well its a long shot or your probably seeing some one but you seemed like a nice person so maybe."