Here's a play by play of how to take this sort of matter into your own hands...
First thing I did was soak the boots in water, making the leather soft.
I let these puppies marinate for 3 days.
Step 2 was scrunching them up, taping them and leaving them in the sun to dry. The scrunching part is what gives the leather wrinkles and creases. I would say it took about a week for them to dry completely. I recommend having a friend help with the taping part because it's hard to hold them in place and secure the tape with only 2 hands. I managed, but I used alot of extra knee, chest and forearm action. I tried a couple different kinds of tape as well and the clear packing tape stayed on the best.
The next step is my favorite part. Scraping, scratching and scuffing. You can use good ol' fashioned sand paper but I opted for the Dremel tool. It's quicker and you can do much more with the different tips and bits.
After a bit of experimenting, I mostly went back and forth between a low grade sanding mandrel and a wool polishing tip, layering the effects. Don't forget to scuff up the sides and back of the sole as well.
I also dabbed a little oil around the bottom parts to look like a bit of water damage. Any oil will do. At some point this week I think I'll splatter just a bit of paint on them. Just a bit. You don't want it to be overkill.
The last step is one I had to get a little help with from my local shoe repair shop. With the soaking and the scrunching and the sunning the boots shrunk a smidge and there was a slight collapse in the toe box area. Not a problem. For around 10 to 15 dollars and about a week's worth of patience you can have your boots stretched back out.
Enjoy and good luck...