What the hell?? I received this letter in the mail today from the DMV...
Dear California Driver,
Drivers with crashes and traffic convictions on their records are at a greater risk of causing future crashes. Your recent record of bad driving (see below) places you at increased risk of causing crashes, injury and death. We do not want you to suffer those consequences and want to help you avoid them.
We understand that you may believe you are a good driver, and yet your driving record is much worse than the average California driver. While you may be good and safe driver most of the time, your record reflects at least momentary lapses in driving judgment. At highway speeds, a moment of carelessness can become a tragedy. Good, caring people who make careless decisions while driving can cause injury or death.
In our effort to urge you to drive safer, we are offering you a choice. You can choose to prevent further action from DMV by avoiding additional traffic convictions and by not causing any crashes. However, if you choose to continue your unsafe driving, the penalties will increase and eventually lead to probation, suspension or revocation of your driving privilege.
We believe you are capable of making a change and becoming a safer driver, but it is up to you to do so. If you do not want to change, your driving will continue to present a risk to yourself and other road users. If you want to change and become a safer, more responsible driver, you can. We hope that you will decide to change, but the choice is yours.
Department of Motor Vehicles
Division of Driver Safety
Wow. Just to clarify...the "see below" was a list of my convictions. There were two. One was a cell phone ticket, and the other was a a stop sign ticket.